Saturday, July 25, 2015

How Can Direct Sellers Help Direct Sellers?

I will admit that at times trying to get people to purchase products is not always easy. I can't help but notice that some of the very same products that I sell like lotion, deodorant, & even shampoo & conditioner people purchase every day over counter. Wouldn't it be great if people would buy these items from me instead of Walmart, the drug store, the beauty supply, or their local grocery chain? 

So just how can direct sellers help direct sellers?

We can help by purchasing products or services from one another. So take the time to think about how hard it can be for direct sellers the next time you purchase something from the store. The next time you need to purchase a gift for a friend or family member think about this. I would not advise purchasing competitors products. For example if you sell cosmetics and you purchase cosmetics from another company. I would only purchase from companies that offer something totally different. I think it is perfectly fine to patronize another company as long as the other company does not pose as a threat to a person making sales within their own company. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my new blog. Join my email list for more direct selling tips. 

Victoria Sheffield/Business Coach/Marketer/Avon Sales Rep